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Creiven mood &diary

10 octobre 2009

When Skills Translate Well

I WAS born in Stockholm, moved to Paris when I was 1 ½ and then moved to London when I was 10. I learned English in private school in England. I had no foundation in the language and had to figure it out pretty much on my own in school. As a result, I have an acute understanding of what immigrants in the United States go through.

In 1993, I got an undergraduate degree in history at Bristol University in England. I was accepted at the College of Law at Guildford, but after working briefly for a law firm in the summer, I decided not to attend. I didn’t agree with the idea of billing by the hour.

That year, I signed on to crew a sailboat that was crossing the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to St. Lucia. I spent three weeks at sea. There’s something spiritual about being at sea and not seeing land for that long.

Then I joined Trafigura, a commodities trading firm, as a traffic administrator, booking ships and administering contracts. At 24, I was promoted to commodities merchant and flew around the world, buying and selling copper concentrate. I would meet with foreign officials to buy copper ore and sell it to smelters in other areas. I had to become an expert in evaluating and managing risk because the mines and smelters weren’t always well capitalized. Often we had to prepay for production.

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I traveled to remote areas, such as a mine in Mongolia. I’d put on a hard hat, hop into a huge truck and circle down into a massive open-pit mine. I enjoyed having the physical connection to what I was doing instead of being involved only with numbers on a screen.

I was introduced to Rosetta Stone when I lived in China for two years. A high school friend who worked at the company sent me an early version of the Chinese program.

I left Trafigura in 2000 to enroll at Insead, the business school in France, for an M.B.A. When I graduated, my friend arranged an interview for me with Rosetta Stone. The founder had just passed away. I told the family I’d join the company if I could be C.E.O. They agreed, and I started in February 2003.

I was 30. My friend, who was on the board, was adamant that I was the right person to lead the company because of my passion for language and my international business experience.

One of our early challenges was how to sell to language teachers in schools. At first, we were giving French teachers our course in French, but since they knew the language, few saw how the program worked. To overcome this hurdle, we had them try the Russian program and they understood immediately.

This summer we launched a product that introduces the capability to converse with native speakers, live online. We’re also expanding through partnerships with organizations such as Apple and Amazon.

We took the company public last April. When talking to investors, I followed what I have always believed — that the truth is good enough. People often feel they need to spin, but if you have a good company and stick to the truth, you gain credibility. Investors will feel your sincerity if you tell them your weaknesses as well as your strengths.

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Companies considering going public in a downturn should look closely at their business before looking at the outside world. You can go public at the right time economically, when markets are paying top dollar, but if your company’s not ready, it can be a disaster.

We had advisers who suggested the market was too volatile and the risk too great to go public when we planned. We decided to go ahead, and we feel we were right.

If you haven’t done it, you can’t imagine how strong the emotion is. It’s like getting married or having kids. In the photo of us ringing the bell at the stock exchange, it appears as if everyone is smiling or laughing. But several of us were teary-eyed. We had worked so hard for so long to get to that point.

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Today, many parents blame vaccines for their children’s autism and some ill Gulf War veterans blame their anthrax shots.

Some antivaccine groups are raising fears of thimerosal, a preservative used in some brands of flu vaccine. Others issue dire warnings about squalene, an immune booster used in military vaccines and in some European flu vaccines but not in any American ones.

And, in the rancor over health insurance reform, unfounded rumors are spreading that the Obama administration will make swine flu shots mandatory. Administration officials have emphatically denied that. But a recent decision by New York State to make them mandatory for all hospital employees has reinvigorated those rumors on the Internet.

To defend itself, Dr. Butler said, the C.D.C, has compiled data on how many problems like heart attacks, strokes, miscarriages, seizures and sudden infant deaths normally occur. And it has broken those figures down for various high-priority vaccine groups, like pregnant women or children with asthma. When vaccinations begin, it plans to gather reports from vaccine providers, hospitals and doctors, looking for signs of adverse events, so it can detect problems before rumors grow.

“Then we’ll try to verify the signal, see if it’s real,” Dr. Butler said. “Then we’ll try to see if it’s associated with the vaccine. If it is, we’ll say so. The process will be as transparent as we can make it.”

Creiven mood &diary